Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
Through PDHPE students develop the skills to research, apply, appraise and critically analyse health and movement concepts in order to maintain and improve their health, safety, wellbeing and participation in physical activity. Students are provided with opportunities to critique and challenge assumptions, attitudes, behaviours and stereotypes and evaluate various health-related sources, services and organisations. Students develop a commitment to the qualities and characteristics that promote and develop empathy, resilience, respectful relationships, inclusivity and social justice. Students practise, develop and refine the physical, cognitive, social and emotional skills that are important for engaging in movement and leading a healthy, safe and physically active life.
Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8)
In Years 7 & 8, students begin to build their knowledge and understanding of the core concepts of the PDHPE curriculum.
During this time students explore the topics of puberty, the dangers of vaping, nutrition, building positive relationships, minimising harm and working together. In practical lessons students develop their skills and being transferring their knowledge of skills between sporting and movement contexts.

Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
In Years 9 & 10 students continue to build upon their knowledge from Stage 4 and work towards being ready for their senior schooling years. During this period of time students learn about road safety, minimising risk, mental health challenges, sex education, risks associated with drugs and alcohol, how to build and maintain healthy relationships and develop their leadership skills. In practical lessons, students develop leadership skills. There is a focus on applying their movement skills to solve challenges and create new movement pieces via dance.
Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS):
PASS promotes learning about movement and provides students with opportunities to develop their movement skills, analyse movement performance and assist the performance of others. PASS provides students with the opportunity to learn about human anatomy, issues that sports face, and gender equality in sports and gives them experiences in creating and running sports carnival days.
Dance provides students with opportunities to experience and enjoy dance as an art form as they perform, compose and appreciate dance. In an integrated study of performance, composition and appreciation practices, students develop both physical skills and aesthetic, artistic and cultural understandings.
Students have the opportunity to gain an understanding of what aspects makeup psychology. This will include the study of neuroscience, cognitive sciences, and social psychology and how our understanding of these have changed over time. Students will gain an understanding of jobs that make up the psychology field and their role in our society.

Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
PDHPE is an integrated area of study that provides for students' intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development. Students are given the opportunity to enhance personal growth and to make a significant contribution to the wellbeing of others, this syllabus focuses on the health of individuals and communities and the factors that influence movement skill and physical activity levels.
Community and Family Studies (CAFS)
By studying CAFS, students develop an understanding of society and that living in a society requires a comprehensive knowledge of its complex nature. Consequently, CAFS is an interdisciplinary course drawing upon selected components of family studies, sociology, developmental psychology and students’ general life experiences. During their study of CAFS, students complete an Individual Research Project that gives them skills required for study at a University or TAFE.
Through the study of dance as an artform, students learn about dance as a performance. That is, the knowledge, understanding and skills in physically preparing the body to dance (Dance Technique) and the application and demonstration of knowledge, understanding and skills in a ‘Dance’/‘Work’. Students develop their knowledge, understanding and skills which underpin the theories, principles, processes and practices of dance composition. Students who study Dance are provided with opportunities to perform at festivals and events as part of this course.
Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR)
SLR is a Stage 6 Board Endorsed Course. It focuses on those aspects of the learning area that relate most closely to participation in sports and physical activity. Students develop knowledge and understanding of the value of activity, increased levels of movement skill, competence in a wide variety of sport and recreation contexts and skills in planning to be active. These and other aspects of the course enable students to adopt and maintain an active lifestyle.
Certificate III in Fitness
Fitness Certificate III is a Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed Course. By completing their Certificate III in Fitness, students will gain skills and knowledge to register and work as exercise instructors in gyms, fitness facilities, pools, community facilities and outdoor environments. Students will take on the role of instructors who perform a range of activities and functions within the fitness industry, working independently with a level of autonomy in a controlled environment such as fitness, leisure, aquatic and community centres where risks are managed through pre-existing risk assessment and hazard control processes.
Certificate III in Sports Coaching
Sports Coaching Certificate III is a Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed Course. Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge that are needed for each unit of competency in the course. Throughout their work, they will conduct and develop quality coaching sessions they can use in a school or community sports setting. This course is a great way for students to build leadership and teamwork skills whilst attaining a qualification. This qualification provides a pathway to work in community coaching roles or volunteering at community-based sports clubs and organisations in the Australian sports industry.